What's new in YourTradebase?

Place a job on hold

29 March 2017

Have you got a job that’s delayed for a long period? Or a customer postponing their decision on a possible job?

You can now place those jobs on hold.

Held jobs allow you to move an active job out of your pipeline, so you can focus on the jobs that need your attention today.

When you place a job on hold, we’ll ask you if you’d like us to set you a reminder to follow-up the job in 30 days time.

Place a job on hold


Learn more about placing a job on hold in our help guide.

Introducing ‘Possible’ jobs

1 March 2017

What’s changing?

By 14th April 2017 we’re moving all leads to ‘possible’ jobs.

All your data will remain intact, but you’ll create and manage your leads from the ‘jobs’ section.

What are possible jobs?

Possible jobs give you everything that a lead currently allows you to do (and more!).

You can create a possible job by adding a new job, and selecting ‘Possible job’ when you’re asked ‘what’s the status of this job?‘.

If you’re starting a new quote, we’ll create a job at the same time so you can track the progress of the job and work towards getting it won 😀

What’s happening to leads?

Leads are being replaced by possible jobs.

We’ll be automatically moving all your leads data into possible jobs and will send you a note explaining when this will happen.

Here’s where you’ll find your leads once we’ve moved them:

  • Open leads – will be moved to possible jobs
  • Won leads – will be moved to won jobs (if they haven’t already been converted by you)
  • Lost leads – will become lost jobs

You can start creating possible jobs today, and we’ll be closing off leads fully by the 14th April 2017.

How do I create a possible job?

Create your possible jobs by starting a new job, and selecting ‘Possible job’ when you’re asked ‘What’s the status of this job?

Possible jobs

Why are you changing this?

One of our main goals is to help you progress jobs towards completion. 

Today, that progress is difficult in YourTradebase; you create a lead, or create a quote, then convert that into a job if it’s won and manage that towards completion.

We think that’s too difficult – we can do better. So, we’ve created possible jobs – a clear path for progressing jobs from enquiry to completion.

Possible job > Won job > Completed job

This means all information related to a lead, quote or job is all in one place: the job you’re trying to win.

Got any questions?

We’re happy to answer any questions you have about possible jobs, leads, or anything else about this change. Just get in touch with us at helpdesk@yourtradebase.com, or start a chat with us within YourTradebase.

Get your daily reminders in your timezone

27 January 2017

Get reminded of what’s on each day in good time…

If you’re using YourTradebase in a different timezone to UTC London, then getting your daily reminder list halfway through your day isn’t helpful.

So, from today, your daily ‘What’s on’ reminder emails are sent to you at 6am in your timezone, not ours!

It’s a small change that should make a big difference to getting your work done each day.

To set your timezone, visit ‘Settings’ > ‘Me’ and select your timezone for the list.

Happy working day 🙂



Add an appointment end time when sending confirmations

12 December 2016

If you’re sending appointment or work confirmations to your clients, we’ve got a little update to make communication clearer…

You can now choose to automatically include the date and time your appointment ends within email confirmations.

Give your clients the full picture and let them know when your visit is due to start – and end – when you send them an email confirming your visit.

Start adding visit end dates and times by editing your visit confirmation email template (‘Settings’ > ‘Email Templates’ > ‘Edit’) and include the {{visit_end_date}} and {{visit_end_time}} tags within the email.

Those tags will then be replaced with the actual end date and time when you send the visit confirmation.

Here are all the visit tags that you can add to your email template:

Happy visiting 🙂

Display unit prices for your materials and labour rates

25 November 2016

If you’re costing work using material prices and labour rates, your customers might want to see a detailed breakdown of those costs.

When they do, YourTradebase now makes it easy for you to show them!

Our latest update allows you to choose to display unit prices for the materials and labour rates you add to your quotes and invoices.

Here’s how to display unit prices on your paperwork:

  1. Click the ‘Customise’ button above any quote or invoice
  2. Select ‘Items’
  3. Check the ‘Show material unit price’ and/or the ‘Show labour rate’ options
  4. Your paperwork will update to display the unit costs within each item

These display settings will then be saved for future paperwork that you create.

Happy costing 🙂


Change the titles of your quotes and invoices

8 October 2016

Do you want to send a proposal instead of a quotation? How about a sales invoice or credit note rather than an invoice?

You do? Then we’ve got some good news!

You can now select from different titles for your quotes and invoices – or even choose to add your own title to suit your needs.

Changing the title of your quotes and invoices

Selecting a new title is super easy: just create or edit your paperwork and use the drop-down menu to choose your title.

You can choose from our selection of titles, or choose a title that you’ve added yourself.

Adding your own title

If you need something different from our preset titles, you can add your own title from your settings menu… here’s how:

  1. Visit your ‘Settings’ > ‘Quotes’ (or ‘Invoices’) page
  2. Enter your new title in the ‘Default Quote Title’ field
  3. Click ‘Save changes’

That’s it! You can now choose your new default title whenever you create a new quote or invoice.

We hope you find choosing a title for your paperwork a helpful addition to YourTradebase 🙂

Say hello to our new, faster servers

15 September 2016

Growth is great for us – growing the number of happy customers using YourTradebase makes the hard work worthwhile, helps us pay the bills and keeps us moving forwards.

But growth can also cause some pain; as we serve more customers, our server infrastructure – the foundation that YourTradebase is built on – needs to support the weight of more users, more paperwork, more jobs, more emails, more data.

That growth pain was causing slow page loads for our customers, and so we had to put that right.

So these past 8 weeks we’ve been working hard to solve this problem and move to new, faster, larger servers that can better support our growing customers. We’re delighted to announce our hard work has paid off…

YourTradebase has a new home that’s faster, more scalable, more reliable, and more secure.

The move was completed last weekend with minimum disturbance. We moved over 7,000 customers and over 100,000 quotes and invoices to our new servers on Saturday night with just an hour or so of downtime.

We’re proud of our team for their hard work, and want to say thank you to our customers for your patience whilst we completed this important update.

There are more upgrades planned over the coming months, but in the meantime, we hope you find the new YourTradebase a faster, more pleasant way to work 🙂

The All New YourTradeBase on Mobile

10 August 2016

Announcing a completely new look for YourTradebase on your mobile device.

Working on the go is an important part of running your own service business, so it’s vital that it’s easy, quick and intuitive.

That’s why we’ve completely re-designed YourTradebase on mobile to make running your business easier and quicker.


What’s new?

  • Everything! We’ve given every screen a design overhaul and more than just a fresh lick of paint: every button, action, and detail has been re-worked to make working on your mobile more enjoyable.
  • Schedule work on the go. Schedule and manage work for you and your team from your mobile, and send  visit confirmations to your clients… wherever you are.
  • The power of YourTradebase on desktop, only in your pocket. We’ve ensured that everything you can do on YourTradebase from a computer can now be done from your mobile phone.
  • Find what you need… quicker!  See your customer and job details at a glance.
  • Work faster. we’ve worked hard to ensure that YourTradebase on mobile is quicker and more responsive.

Take a look for yourself…


Try it today!

YourTradebase on mobile is live and ready for you to use right now.

Sign in to YourTradebase on your mobile and try it for yourself 🙂

Assign work to your team

10 May 2016

Need to manage your team schedule or assign work for your field team?

Our latest update allows you to do just that – here’s what’s new…

Introducing: Field staff

Add field staff to your team in YourTradebase job management software, then schedule and assign work to them. Your field staff can then sign in and view only the work you’ve assigned them.

Field staff can see their assigned work details, who the customer is, and the relevant job sheet. But, won’t see any prices and can’t create paperwork.

Keep your team organised and on-schedule.

Assign work to field staff

assign work to field staff

Select which field staff members should complete work or attend appointments.

Manage work schedules

staff work schedule

Schedule work and see what your team has on.

Field staff schedule and job sheets… in their pocket!
field staff mobile

Field staff sign in on their mobile to view their schedule, work details and job sheets – wherever they are.

Field staff can’t see any prices or payment information for jobs they’re assigned to.

And there’s more to come.

Soon, your field staff will be able to upload images and write job notes whilst on-site… stay tuned!

Get your field staff started today

Start adding your team members today – just visit your Manage team settings to invite them to your account.

You can add as many field staff to your account as you need – for just £2.50 per month per field staff.

Learn more…

Take a look at how field staff work in YourTradebase with our field staff help guides.

Want to find out what can field staff view in your account? Take a look at our guide to field staff permissions.


A fresh UI update…

8 February 2016

We’ve been very busy so far in 2016, with a number of improvements to make running your service business even easier.

Here’s what’s new:

All-new page interface


We’ve given the main sections in YourTradebase – leads, quotes, jobs, invoices, customers, and tasks – a visual makeover to make them cleaner and easier to find what you’re looking for.

We’ve also introduced an all-new ‘Actions’ button; presenting you with right actions at the right time.

Here’s the new action button in, er, action…


Faster search, better find

Finding things in YourTradebase should be easier than it is. Well, easier than it was. We’ve rebuilt the main sections so you can now search and filter in real-time.

Just start typing what you’re looking for, or select the type of items you want to view, and the page will update in seconds with relevant results.


Track labour time in minutes

Hours or days not enough for you? Not a problem, you can now track your labour time down to the minute and quote or invoice ultra-accurately for your time.

Just select ‘Minutes’ from the drop-down option when adding labour to your quotes and invoices. Learn more about adding labour to your quotes…

These updates are ready for you to start using today. Just sign in to YourTradebase and try them for yourself.

Template your emails with attachments

6 November 2015

Always attaching the same files over and again when you email a quote?

Forever changing the subject when emailing invoices?

What you need is more control over email templates… and now you have it!

We’ve just completed a major upgrade of email templates in YourTradebase, and we’re sure it’ll speed up the way you send personalised emails to your customers.

Your email templates now allow you to:

  • Template your email subjects
  • Use tags to add dynamic content to your emails. What’s a tag? Well, enter {{customer}} into your template and your customer name will automatically be inputted into the email before it’s sent. There are lots of tags for you to choose from. Learn more about using email tags.
  • Attach files to your email templates. If you’re always attaching the same files for every quote, invoice or visit confirmation you send, just add the file to the template and you wont have to upload it every single time you want to send an email – it’ll be there waiting for you to click send!


Email templates are live and ready for you to use today.

Visit settings > email templates to start customising the emails you send or read more about how email templates work and how to set them up.

Inviting new users to your account

28 October 2015

You can now invite new users to access your YTB account, from your business partner or secretary to staff members, thanks to our just launched ‘invite a new user’ feature.

Now anyone who needs to update your account, or see an overview of outstanding actions and invoices and so on, can do so simply by accepting your invitation. Perhaps your wife, husband or partner looks after your admin? You can now invite them as a new user, for only £5 a month.

Each new user has the same access to your account as you but for added security they can’t add or remove other users, change your billing settings, or cancel your account.

For more information read our Help Guide.