It’s Christmaaaas! (almost)

24 December 2019

It’s finally here. The finish line’s in sight. And there’s a great big pile of mince pies on the other side of it…

Kick off your workbooks and have a cracking Christmas. You’ve earned it (and some).

As someone with a pretty amazing mullet once said, it’s the final countdown. And you might not be headed for Venus, but you’re probably headed for the sofa, your slippers and more mince pies than is strictly advisable. It wouldn’t quite be Christmas otherwise.

So, before you slip off into the sunset, we just wanted to say thanks for coming along for the ride this year. It’s been a good one – our community of hard-grafting, no-nonsense tradespeople has grown and grown, and we couldn’t be happier. 

We’ve also introduced a whole bunch of new stuff to help you smash through paperwork, improve your workflow, win more jobs and do your thing, better than ever. Thanks to all of you who’ve given us feedback, left reviews and got in touch to tell us how it’s going. You’re the best.

And next year? We reckon it’s going to be even better. In fact, we’ve been working hard to make sure it is. We’ve got a bunch of new feature launches up our sleeve, including online payments, custom job types and completely new ways to nail that paperwork. We can’t wait to get them live in the app, in your hands and out on site.

So, with this year’s instalment of novelty socks just around the corner, we just wanted to say, enjoy a few well-earned days off. And if you’re craving a bit of festive invoicing, we’ll be here on the help desk right through Christmas and New Year. 

We might have crumbs down our Christmas jumpers and Quality Street wrappers in our pockets, but we’ll be here, so if you need us just shout. And if not – see you on the other side. 

🎄Have a good one!

By Dean Taylor

Back in 2010, Dean's building business was growing. He was doing great work, making people happy and enjoying being his own boss – but he was worn out. Not by the graft, but by the piles of paperwork taking up every evening. So, he got together with his cousin Adam, a web developer, and came up with a simple way to solve the problem – and help a whole load of other tradespeople too. They called it YourTradebase. Try it for yourself with a free 14 day trial. No strings. No credit card needed.

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