Product updates

🍁 Autumn 2023 🍁

Here's what's new…

Address lookup

Super-fast address lookup

Faster, more accurate address entry with postcode lookup and address searching.

In-person payments

Take payments in-person

Don't wait to get paid – collect payment on-site, there and then.

In-person payments

Add item quantities

Include multiples for work items for more accurate costings.

Update paperwork in bulk

Change the status of your quotes and invoices faster.

Quicker material costing

Find and cost materials directly from your material list.

Duplicate paperwork items

Copy and paste entire work items with one quick click.

Add valid until dates to quotes

Let your customers know how long a quote is valid for.

Capture job signatures

Get job sign-off from your customers with digital signatures.

Performance reports

Simple, easy-to-understand reports showing your paperwork performance.

Merge customers and jobs

Merge duplicate customer and job records together in one place.

Find unpaid jobs

Filter jobs to find outstanding balances more quickly.

More paperwork customisations

Show registration numbers in your header, total materials, round numbers and more…

…plus a whole host of performance upgrades and bug fixes

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